Friday, March 26, 2010

Brown bags, paint and one trip to the ER...

so... lot's of progress on the brown bag treatment..... it's super easy and comes out looking wonderfully textured and leathery... it's so easy that you can have your friends help or.. as my husband says "a caveman could do it"... haha..
Of course there are always little "snags" in the plan like the trip to the ER because your wife stepped on a nail that was hidden just under the bed at 9:30pm and her foot swelled up like a puffer fish by 3:30am.. which leaves you no other option than to get that tetnus shot and a nice dose of antibiotics when all you wanted was to have the sheet tucked in at the bottom of the bed before you went to sleep...
All things considered things are going along smoothly.. and no-one has lost a foot yet!
More to follow as this weekend will mean completion of the brown bags as well as prepping the "laundry closet" to receive the stack washer dryer... yes.. you heard right... one day soon I will not have to go to the garage (which is detached from the house) to do the washing..
I long for the day...

Saturday, March 20, 2010


So... last night I came home from work and painted the pantry...
Beautiful!!! and only $5 from Home Depot's OOOPPPS paint :)
Then Steve and I tried out the Brown Bag treatment that we want to use on the walls. I think it's going to be pretty easy and look pretty amazing.

We are working on getting the kitchen cabinets on order but with the angles of the house they have to be custom made and all things must be double checked (a couple of times) ..

This week our lady contractor (Emily) has been busy under the house adding floor joists to resupport where needed.

OH!! we also scored on some fabulous Bruce natural T&G floor.... Saved ourselves about $3000. :) (15sf per box at a regular retail of $45 per box and our cost ended up being a mere $7 per box)

There is also the issue of the sloping floor by the sliding glass door and these tiles were also clearanced out from $2.75 a square to a mere $1.61 and I got to use my Lowes coupon at Home Depot which is hugely satisfying. On a side note... my husband exercised his power of veto on the tile in the picture above and it is in the back of my car to be returned to Home Depot... I guess you can't have everything in life.. :) I do love that man..

The tile will be a tribute to the vinyl that we will tear out in the bathrooms as it is the same shape.

Things should go pretty quickly from here. The drywall was the biggest hurdle in my opinion and I am not looking forward to ever finishing drywall again.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

drywall, drywall, drywall...

Completely tired of the drywall experience but it is something that must be done.